The perfect team — We do not wish to be followed but wish for you to follow yourself . Wear your OWN name on a hat, make your dreams come true for YOU.
Steve Isdahl - Professional Guide, Founder/Creator of
Steve began his outdoor journey on a trial and error basis at the young age of 13. His first big game animal harvest was a fine 5X blacktail buck with an arrow. He would go on to harvest the next 12 bucks by bow and arrow before he ever used a gun. Then he turned 19.
36 years, 17 B&C class animals (in 8 species), 18 Pope and Young class animals, and hundreds of successful guided hunts later, Steve decided it is time to share all the knowledge with as many people as he can.
With a passion to help all outdoors people and a drive to thwart the commercialization of the hunter/gatherer pastimes, Steve pursued his dream and vision to see the construction of
Mark Tiedemann - Professional Guide, Expert Wolf Trapper
28 years ago, Mark left his rural eastern Alberta home town and headed to the northern Rocky Mountains of B.C. for a summer job and feels like he never left!
Mark has successfully found numerous big game animals and trapped wolves with a consistency which is hard to beat. He has been directly responsible for “too numerous to count” big game hunting show successes-- showcased on many of the outdoor TV hunting networks you might be familiar with.
Mark is also responsible for continuously acquiring numerous northern game animals on our motion camera projects. From record-book stone rams to grizzly bears he has mastered it and maintains a consistency we could have only dreamed about!
Rick Gander -Taxidermist, Trophy Scorer, Outdoorsman
Rick is a second generation professional and highly respected taxidermist, passionate outdoors man, official scorer and father. 51 years at his craft !!!
Rick has not only mounted numerous world wide game animals, he has as well harvested many himself. Rick proves to be a super consultant in delivering THE FACTS of 'how to' skin and preserve your game mounts IN THE FIELD to ensure the best quality mounts for you to preserve and cherish your outdoor memories for years to come. Rick's knowledge also is a great help in producing our live field judging videos which covers all the big game north America has to offer. We appreciate you Rick
Dan Leonard - THE BEST Horseman, Professional Guide
You’ll be hard-pressed to find another Dan Leonard. Over 30 years ago this award winning game guide, horseman, rancher and father set out to pursue a life-long career and become one of THE BEST big game guides/horseman we know. From Rocky Mountain Alberta bighorn sheep, all the game of northeastern B.C. and the Yukon, Dan has done it-- and done it well. Dan has generously offered up whatever knowledge we need and continues to be one of the best 'knowledge consultants' could ask for. THANKS DAN!